Mastermind Groups
Meet regularly with other business owners to share your struggles, successes and winning ideas.
What I Offer
Tracey Sweetland’s Connecting People Mastermind Groups bring together like-minded small business owners to support and mentor each other and hold each other accountable.
Each group has a maximum of six people and monthly sessions are held online using Zoom.
Mastermind groups meet for six three-hour sessions in all and are accessible to all at a cost of just £300 (that’s just £50 a month).
At each session, three members are invited to put forward challenges they are facing and receive the feedback and advice from their colleagues and suggestions for actions to be taken.
Progress on these actions will be discussed at the next meeting.
Members of all Mastermind groups have access to a closed Facebook group to continue interacting with their peers outside of the sessions.
The Nuts and Bolts
You will benefit from a Mastermind group if…
You are facing a challenge which you need help with
Your business is stagnating and you need inspiration
You've tried everything and you've hit a brick wall
You need some impartial advice
You want to talk about your business without judgement
You want to learn from other business owners and share your experience
You want to build meaningful relationships, share connections and referrals
You want to work on rather than just in your business
Join a Mastermind
Mastermind groups will go ahead when enough people have expressed an interest in joining one and a suitable regular time slot can be agreed when all participants are available for at least three hours.
If you would like to join a mastermind group, please fill in the form with your details and when you are available.