Grow your business
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Why I Relaunched My Brand: Reinventing My Business with a Fresh Focus
Discover why I decided to relaunch my brand, refine my services, and incorporate My Best Life Hub to help businesses and midlife women thrive.
Do you really have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?
Entrepreneurs possess vision, resilience, balance, discipline, creativity – but the bottom line is an entrepreneur is willing to walk the walk and talk the talk. So, do you have what it takes?
9 things you can do today to build your confidence
Take a deep breath and follow these easy and actionable steps to help you build your confidence and self-belief today and stop that negative self-talk.
Five simple strategies to drive website traffic
Don’t let your business website languish in the world wide wastelands – here’s Red Shoes’ handy hints to get more visitors.
Marketing your business without spending a fortune
Marketing what you sell or the services you offer is crucial to the future success of your business and really does not need to take up lots of your time or money.
Advertising: Make it work for your small business
Advertising in print and online is a key part of any successful small business’s marketing mix. Here’s Red Shoes’ guide to including the right elements to make it work for your business.
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San Diego, CA 92465
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant